Looking for ways to improve your confidence? Look no further...
Are you lacking confidence in your riding, maybe you just need a boost? This series will cover my confidence tips and tricks. These methods are all ones I have either used in the past, use when I need a small boost and in day to day activities with Gigi.
Jump With Confidence
When jumping I use a variety of confidence techniques; my favourite method is counting. I love to use this method as it enables me to easily see my stride, this means I know exactly when i'm taking off.
To use this method:
- Set up a fence you feel comfortable jumping, place the fence near E/B just off the track.
- Pick up canter at A/C and turn down your line to the jump.
- Ensure your horse is straight on approach. A straight horse is a balanced horse.
- When you are approximately three strides away, count out loud "One, Two, Three" on "Three" the horse should take off.
You may need to practice a few times to get it right. When I first learnt this method I picked it up pretty quickly. Now I use it pretty much every time I jump, even at competitions. I find it really helps me to judge what is happening into the fence so i can tell Gigi to take off at the best possible time.
- Don't worry if you get it wrong (sometimes I start counting a stride early) in this case just add "Four".
- Still struggling? Try jumping with 3 placing poles before the jump, count over the poles to give you a clear picture of what is happening. Do the exercise a few times each way then gradually remove the poles.
- Want to use the technique for jumping a double? On landing use "A, B, C" instead. This gives you something else to think about, distracting you from the height of the jump and making you concentrate on getting the right stride every time.
- Don't try too hard, remember your horse has eyes and a brain of his own. If you do too much you could cause him to knock a pole. Concentrate on counting into the jump, let your horse sort his legs out, he knows what to do and wouldn't knock it on purpose.
- You can use this method into any fence, I use it show jumping and cross country.
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